♣ 문 학 감 상 실 ♣/▶사랑밭·새벽편지◀ 5

♣ Pushing himself to the limit

--> Pushing himself to the limit Sangnam Lee, a painter who lives and works in New York has been very successful. 미국 뉴욕에서 활동하는 성공한 대표적 화가, 이상남씨는... Since emigrating to America in 1981, he worked as a carpenter and a gardener to make a living for five years. But after the first five years, he worked exclusively as a painter. 1981년 미국으로 건..

♣ A letter of recommendation for a young man

--> A letter of recommendation for a young man It happened during a job interview at a company's recruitment drive. 어느 회사 신입사원 면접 시험장에서 있었던 일입니다. The applicants proudly filed into the interview room with their letters of recommendation. 응시한 수험생들은 나름대로 추천장을 하나씩 들고 의기양양하게 면접에 임했습니다. H..